Recovery Star™
The Outcomes Star for mental health and well-being
Copyright: Triangle Consulting Social Enterprise Limited
The Recovery Star has been created as an integral component of one-to-one keywork or services which support individuals with a wide range of short and long term mental health difficulties. This new 4th edition of the Recovery Star has developed and improved on the original Recovery Star incorporating feedback from service users, key workers and organisations.
The Recovery Star 4th edition incorporates a number of changes including edits to improve clarity and coherence. It covers a wider range of issues and acknowledges the importance of people being supported in ways that work for them, particularly if they have experience of trauma. Another significant change the recognition that the goal of self-reliance in all areas is not always a suitable, realistic or appropriate goal for people with severe and enduring mental health conditions (8 may be the top of the scale for some). This edition also further acknowledges that there are many external factors and conditions which will impact a person’s recovery and that recovery isn’t always a one directional staged journey.
The original Recovery Star was developed by Triangle in collaboration with the Association of Mental Health Providers (then MHPF) and funding from SITRA and Making Space. The 4th edition has been influenced by mental health professionals, organisations and commissioners and by the lived experience of service users. Contributions to the development have also included Research Net Bromley, Community Options, Sunderland Mind, Sheffield Mind, HEY Mind, Dr Lynne Friedli, Nick Karr, Midland Heart Housing Association, Sheffield County Council, Worcester NHS and Sheffield Local Authority.
The Recovery Star covers ten outcome areas:
- Managing mental health
- Physical health
- Living skills
- Friends and community
- Use of time
- Relationships
- Addictive behaviour
- Home
- Identity and self-esteem
- Trust and hope
The Recovery Star (4th Edition) is underpinned by a five-stage, ten step Journey of Change model:
- Stuck (1-2)
- Accepting help (3-4)
- Believing and trying (5-6)
- Learning (7-8)
- Self-reliance (9-10)
Find out more about the changes in this 4th edition and what you need to consider if you wish to change from using the 3rd edition in our Transition to RS4 briefing.
Contact us on 0207 272 8765 to discuss any of this.
Recovery Star (3rd edition)
The Recovery Star 3rd edition was originally developed by Triangle in collaboration with the Mental Health Providers Forum and was published in 2008. The original Star was based on a five-stage journey of Change with ten outcome areas.
If you are already using the 3rd Edition and would like to discover more about the 4th edition to find out whether it would better suit your organisation, please read the Recovery Star 4th edition briefing or contact Triangle on .
Full resources are available for organisations with a Star Licence and training for all workers and managers using the Star through the Star Online portal. The 3rd edition will continue to be available for current clients indefinitely.