Introducing our new vision for the digital home of outcomes-focused keywork
By Sarah Owen, Product Manager at Triangle
The Star Online web application for the Outcomes Star was first launched by Triangle in 2011. As the Star has grown in popularity and in use across different sectors and services, so has the Star Online.
Today the system is used by over 800 organisations and 45,000 frontline practitioners, to support over half a million people and to record nearly 900,000 completed Stars.
Listening and responding to feedback
Over the last 8 years, we have heard from many of the practitioners, managers and commissioners that use the system. You told us that, although many aspects of the original design still hit the mark, there are frustrations with the system, such as the limited range of reports available and the lack of flexibility in how services can be configured.
Alongside this feedback, technology has improved exponentially since the original development, with digital service design now utilising cutting edge, user focused tools and programming approaches.
To respond to this, we have committed to a significant level of investment in the Star Online, and since last year, we have been working with QES to completely redevelop the system.
Collaborating with specialists and practitioners
QES is a specialist developer of web based and offline apps, supporting secure digital data solutions to a diverse range of public and private sector clients. Other QES developments include the eCDOP (online recording, casework and reporting for child deaths) and Holistix Early Help case management system.
The development of the new system is well underway. We’re retaining a focus on intuitive, simple design whilst also radically improving what is on offer – for example, with a complete overhaul of reports and tools for analysing Star data, and by introducing more options for how services, teams and people can be configured. Throughout the process, we are collaborating with a small group of practitioners, managers and Star Leads – also known as our Think Tank – who represent a broad selection of organisations using the current system in the UK and in Australia, and who are reviewing our plans and testing out the system.
Timings and next steps
Our timeline is to launch at the end of November 2019 for new users, and to support existing clients using the current Star Online to migrate over to the new system by March 2020. We will have more information for existing clients soon and are working to make the migration from old to new as straightforward as possible. We will of course be providing guidance and support throughout the process.
For more information
If you have any questions or any ideas you’d like to share with us, contact us on or +44(0)20 272 8765.