Our December 2019 newsletter round-up included news on the new and improved Star Online system, as well as new and upcoming Outcomes Stars. Our directors have recently attended several conferences and share their thoughts and reflections on the events: Sara Burns shares her thoughts on Hospice UK’s annual conference while Joy MacKeith shares her reflections on the Mental Health Conference. We also included information on our new Stars.
Other updates included
- The new Star Online system is now live for new clients, find out more about the system and watch a short video of it in action: the new Star Online
- We have recently published the Pathway Star, a new Star for the employment sector: read our blog exploring how it can help vulnerable service users in overcoming challenges and taking steps towards the world of work.
- We have recently published two more new Stars: the Planning Star which is a vital new tool for organisations working with unaccompanied asylum-seeking children and the Preparation Star, a new Outcomes Star to support individuals in living well right to the end.
Read the full newsletter here.
Contact Triangle at info@outcomesstar.org or +44(0) 20 7272 8765 for more information on our Outcomes Stars, the new Star Online and our licence and training options. Sign up for our newsletter here.