Free client webinars: How to use the Star remotely

Triangle will be hosting another webinar for existing clients, on Tuesday 21st July at 10am, exploring how to use the Star remotely, either via phone, video or online.

What will the webinar cover and who will benefit from attending?

Following on from our guidance on How to complete the Star remotely this webinar will be of interest to any practitioners, who due to the current social distancing measures, are completing or thinking of completing Stars with service users via phone or online platforms. We will share our top tips on making this work.

This webinar will be approximately 45 minutes long, and will feature a 20 minute presentation followed by a question and answer session via the Zoom chat function and it is designed to support clients by sharing knowledge, ideas and information.

How much do these webinars cost and what do I need?

It is free for all existing clients. Clients should already have received an email invite to the webinar series, and should follow the instructions and book through the email invitation. If you find you cannot attend a webinar, please cancel your reservation to allow others to make use of the place.

The webinar will be hosted by two Outcomes Star experts. If you are interested in how to complete the Star remotely, please take a look at our guidance

Please note: We have limited spaces available and we expect them to fill up quickly.

What are the dates and times in July?

Currently we have only one date – Tuesday 21 July 2020. We hope to schedule more in the coming months, so keep an eye out for future invites if you are unable to make this date.



If you have any questions on which Star to use, or if you would like any information on the new Star Online, or anything else, please contact us on or +44 (0) 207 272 8765.