September newsletter round up

Our September 2020 newsletter round-up includes news on the new and improved Star Online system, as well as new and upcoming Outcomes Stars. We also share some of our new resources, case studies and blog posts, including Tyrone’s inspirational story, from service user to practitioner.

Other updates include

  • We have recently published the Little Star, a new Star for use within the Children and Families and Health sectors. This Star was developed in collaboration with the Dame Vera Lynn Children’s Charity (DVLCC) and is designed for completion by Conductors or other therapists but can also support discussion with the children’s families. The Star is intended for use by organisations  such as DVLCC who support young children with motor impairments, for example from cerebral palsy, using Conductive Education and other therapies
  • Another new Star is the Change Star. A new Outcomes Star for behaviour change in men. The Change Star is suitable for  use within the Children, Families and the Domestic Abuse sectors.
  • Coming soon: Triangle is currently finalising a new Outcomes Star for use with refugees, the Integration Star, which has been developed in collaboration with the Refugee Council and a number of Community Refugee Organisations. The Integration Star complements the Planning Star which is designed for use with unaccompanied asylum-seeking children.

Read the full newsletter here.

Contact Triangle at or +44(0) 20 7272 8765 for more information on our Outcomes Stars, the new Star Online and our licence and training options. Sign up for our newsletter here.