The Star Online reporting dashboard: an introduction

Want to know how to create charts, and data driven reports to support funding and measure your impact?
What will it cover?

This short session is an introduction to the main reports dashboards available on the Star Online. It will cover key functions including filters, engagements and how to create instant and engaging report charts to support funding bids, reports and clearly illustrate progress made by service users and also how the Stars are being used across the service.

Who is it for?

This short session is designed to support managers and other staff who use the Star Online.

When is it?

This session will be held online, via Zoom, on September 14, 2021 10:00am (London)

How do I book my place?

If you are a client, manager or interested in knowing more, book your place via Zoom here.

Need to know more?

Contact us or your Implementation Lead for more information.


Please note: this session is not a substitute for official training and will only be relevant to those who are using the Star Online.

July newsletter roundup

Triangle’s July newsletter recently went out! In it, we celebrate the news of new Outcomes Star launches as well as an exciting new whitepaper report by our Strategic Director, Joy MacKeith.

‘Enabling Help: How social provision can work better for the people it supports’ is a new report written by one of Triangle’s co-founders. In it, Joy MacKeith shares how a new set of ideas can open up the potential in research, policymaking, commissioning and the way services are delivered and managed. The report is due for publication later this year, sign up to receive a copy.

Key news also included:

Read through the full newsletter here, and sign up to receive future newsletters and keep up to date with outcomes measurement and news of the Stars.


Contact Triangle at or +44(0) 20 7272 8765 for more information on any of our news, Stars and training offers.