Ways to Wellness recently published a report we contributed to, celebrating six years of their innovative and internationally recognised social prescribing service.
The service supports people aged 40-74 years old with specific long-term conditions, many of whom have complex medical, practical and social needs. GPs refer patients to receive support from link workers for 18 months and the Well-being Star is used to assess clients at baseline and then approximately every six months. So far, over 4,500 patients have completed two or more Well-being Star readings.
Triangle are always keen to encourage learning from Star data and we were encouraged that Ways to Wellness recognise the value of ‘analysing impact data and using findings to inform adjustments to the service’. We supported Ways to Wellness to go beyond the outcomes measurement required by the funders, to explore in more depth the needs and progress of their clients. The Star data reports shown in their report are based on those provided by our recently upgraded web application, ‘The Star Online’. They showed that 86% of clients moved forward in at least one outcome area, with the highest proportion progressing in ‘Your lifestyle’ – an area most frequently identified as needing work by clients.
Ways to Wellness are a good example of an organisation that shows a commitment to getting the most out of the Well-being Star. We have also worked with them to explore how consistent and accurate their link workers were in applying the Well-being Star scales, finding good ‘inter-rater reliability’.
Click here for more information about the Well-being Star including a case study of the use of this version of the Star in health settings and psychometric validation.
If you would like more information or support about the use of the Well-being Star, please get in touch with us at info@outcomesstar.org or +44 (0) 207 272 8765.