Webinar: The Outcomes Star as a key work and evaluation tool in the employment sector

On Wednesday 8th July Triangle will be hosting an ERSA Webinar. This webinar is an introduction to the Outcomes Stars used in the Employability sector. The webinar will consist of an introduction to the Work Star and Pathway Star followed by a Q&A.

Reserve your place now

This webinar is a part of the ERSA Building Partnerships 2.0 summer webinar series.

The Outcomes Stars are evidence-based tools for measuring and supporting change when working with people. They are a great way for frontline services to demonstrate their impact whilst improving their keywork. The Work Star and the Pathway Star are both tailored specifically to the employment sector.

The Outcomes Stars are evidence-based tools for measuring and supporting change when working with people.

The Work Star has been designed for use with adults out of work or returning to the workplace. It provides a holistic framework for services to use when supporting service users, as well as a simple way of measuring progress to work.

The 3rd Edition of the Work Star was published in 2017 with input from the Department of Work and Pensions (Essex Social Justice Team), Prospects, Hounslow Council and The LightBulb.

The Pathway Star is the Outcomes Star for people overcoming barriers to work and is designed for use with people who need considerable support if they are to move towards work. This includes people currently facing significant barriers to work, such as health or housing problems, substance misuse, crime, domestic abuse, family culture (including generations of people not in work) or household finances.

The Pathway Star was developed by Triangle with service providers and commissioners from Liverpool City Region Combined Authority.

On behalf of everyone here at Triangle we look forward to seeing you at the Webinar and would like to extend a big thanks to ERSA and finally please sign up for our newsletter if you haven’t already.


Each Outcomes Star is carefully created in collaboration with sector organisations, for more information on which Stars are suitable for your sector please contact us or take a look at Find your Star. If you have any questions on which Star to use, or if you would like any information on the new Star Online, or anything else, please contact us on info@outcomesstar.org or +44 (0) 207 272 8765.