Drug and Alcohol Star
The Outcomes Star for drug and alcohol recovery

Copyright: Triangle Consulting Social Enterprise Limited

The Drug and Alcohol Star is designed for use with adults in substance or alcohol misuse services.  It was developed by Triangle with NORCAS (Norfolk Community Alcohol and Drug Services).

For services working with young people with substance misuse issues, The Teen Star has also been developed specifically for use with young people in substance misuse services.

The Drug and Alcohol Star focuses on ten outcome areas that have been found to be critical in supporting people to progress towards and maintain a life free from drug misuse and problem drinking:

  1. Drug use
  2. Alcohol use
  3. Physical health
  4. Meaningful use of time
  5. Community
  6. Emotional health
  7. Accommodation
  8. Money
  9. Offending
  10. Family and relationships

The Drug and Alcohol Star is underpinned by the Outcomes Star five-stage Journey of Change, which is closely linked to the Cycle of Change:

  1. Stuck
  2. Accepting help
  3. Believing
  4. Learning
  5. Self-reliance


Full resources are available for organisations with a Star Licence and training for all workers and managers using the Star.