The Outcomes Star™ in Northern Ireland and The Republic of Ireland
Training, Implementation, and Outreach for the Outcomes Star is overseen by Eileen Cassidy (Regional Co-Ordinator for Scotland and Ireland).
Eileen – – (+44) 07904815036
If you like to discuss matters relating to Outcomes Star training, implementation, development, or partnership work in Northern Ireland and The Republic of Ireland, please approach Eileen directly via the details above. Eileen can help with the Star/costings and quotations for training and licensing. Eileen can help with partnership development and outreach queries. Eileen is also more than happy to chat informally over the phone or via Zoom or MS Teams etc., if preferred.
We can also connect you with other members of the Triangle Team who can provide support around the Star Online system, validations studies of the Star, Outcomes policy and practice, Outcomes consulting, and further information about our Enabling Help approach.
The Outcomes Star is widely in NI and ROI, by The Department of Health NI/Public Health Agency/NI Health Trusts/GP Federations/Belfast Council/NIACRO/NI Probation Board/Sure Start/HSE/Tusla/Family Carers Ireland and a range of smaller public bodies, charities, social enterprises, community social care and health organisations or sole traders.
To use the Star, organisations need a license, and every worker needs to complete approved Outcomes Star training. Licences for Star users are available directly from Triangle. Services can choose between a licence to use the Star on paper (Basic Licence) or opt for our online system, the Star Online, or use the Star within third-party licensed software. Licences are priced in GBP (£) or Euros. Here, you can find complete information about licence options, prices, and each licencing package.