The Outcomes Star™ in Italy

If you are an organisation based in Italy and you are interested in using the Outcomes Star, please contact Triangle directly.

Our work with organisations in Italy

Triangle are working with Dr Fabio Lucchi and others in the Unit of Psychiatry 23 at Spedali Civili-Brescia, supported by Il Chiaro del Bosco, a charitable association that supports new developments within the mental health sector. They originally identified the Recovery Star as a tool to complement and support their work to promote a recovery approach within the mental health sector in Italy and translated the tool under licence from Triangle.

During an initial visit in May 2011, Triangle Director Sara Burns presented the Recovery Star to over 80 people from a range of services in the Brescia area. In June 2012 she returned to speak at a conference at Lake Garda, where professionals and service users presented the findings of their year-long pilot of the Recovery Star. Presentations included ways in which the Star supported more collaborative, recovery-orientated discussions between professionals and service users, and the results of their inter-rater study and other statistical testing of the Star as an outcomes tool, alongside broader discussion of a recovery approach. The results have been positive and professionals at the Unit of Psychiatry are currently writing these up to present for publication in relevant journals.

In 2013, the Unit of Psychiatry 23 and Il Chiaro del Bosco launched an innovative project inspired by the concept of the Recovery College, where service users are effectively students of their own recovery. Sara Burns returned for a third visit, this time training a range of professionals and service users as trainers in the Recovery Star and licensing our collaborators to deliver training both within and beyond their organisation. By then, over 80% of service users had done the Recovery Star at least once and most workers were very familiar with using the tool.

The new programme is called FOR, an acronym for ‘Training and Opportunities for Recovery’ and it involves different public and third sector services of the Lombardy area. The programme uses the Recovery Star as a basis on which to build a number of modules and services, to be jointly developed and then run by service users and professionals – service user involvement and co-production are key principles. The first step is to set up a Steering Group and a number of Working Groups, tasked to develop modules for the different areas of the Recovery Star, particularly managing mental health, social networks, living-skills and work. This phase is scheduled to last a year, at the end of which the programme will be evaluated and further developed, then presented at a conference in 2015.

Longer-term, the vision is to encourage other services and areas to adopt the FOR programme, to support recovery-orientated practice, and with the Recovery Star as a fundamental basis.


Programma FOR (Formazione ed Opportunità per la Recovery)

Ente capofila: Spedali Civili-Brescia, Unità Operativa di Psichiatria n°23

Enti che aderiscono (elenco provvisorio):

Azienda Ospedaliera Desenzano, ASL Vallecamonica, Azienda Ospedaliera Crema, Associazione Il Chiaro del Bosco, Cooperativa Liberamente, Cooperativa Il Castelletto, Cooperativa La Rete.


Sperimentare un programma che consenta ai servizi di salute mentale di assumere il modello della recovery come best practice per restituire le persone affette da disturbi psichiatrici ad una vita dignitosa e ricca di senso: questo è l’obiettivo del programma

Il prodotto finale:

I materiali per l’attivazione di un centro territoriale per la recovery che si compongono di un metodo, di moduli formativi e di un patrimonio esperienziale di operatori, utenti e famigliari a disposizione dei servizi che ne faranno richiesta. Tale Centro infatti potrà essere attivato, implementato in diversi contesti, pressoservizi di salute mentale pubblici e privati.

In questa direzione, il programma: Recovery: Organizzare il cambiamento per riprendersi la vita consentirà la riorganizzazione dell’offerta riabilitativa dei servizi di salute mentale interessati con percorsi formativi specifici, di gruppo ed individuali che prevederanno anche l’intervento di utenti esperti.

I risultati conclusivi del progetto verranno proposti in un convegno finale che si terrà a Brescia nell’aprile 2015.