Social accounting using Outcomes Stars™

A guest blog from Anne Lythgoe, Social Audit Network

Understanding the outcomes for the stakeholders in your organisation or service, and how this might create longer term beneficial impacts is the main purpose of using an Outcomes Star. But Outcomes Stars can also be used as part of a framework which helps your organisation better manage the outcomes and impact that it makes.

Social Accounting and Audit allows a third sector organisation or community business to build on existing monitoring, documentation and reporting systems to develop a process to account fully for social, environmental and economic impacts, report on performance and draw up action plans to improve on that performance. Through this process an organisation can understand its impact on the surrounding community and build a role as a catalyst for local benefit.

Widely used across the social economy, social accounting builds from use of tools like the Outcomes Star to really embed social benefit into your organisation.

The framework is built around 4 steps, as shown in the diagram opposite.

Organisations produce social accounts and social impact reports using this process.

For more information about social accounting, please contact the Social Audit Network (SAN), which is a not-for-profit organisation that facilitates the exchange of information and experience between practitioners of social accounting and audit in the social economy, community and voluntary sectors.

SAN holds regular meetings, events and an annual conference at venues around the UK, distributes a monthly SAN circular to its email network.

SAN was incorporated in 2003 by members of a national network of co-operative, social business and community development practitioners which had existed since the mid 1990s in the UK.

Behind the scenes with Housing and Care 21

On 15th and 16th March, Triangle spent some time filming in Oldham, UK, at an extra care housing scheme run by Housing and Care 21.    Over the two days, we learnt a lot from residents Dougie, Margaret and Dorothy, and Jodie (Court Manager) and Laura (Support Services Manager), about how the Independent Living Star is used in practice.

We’ll be sharing some videos very soon but in the meantime, here are some behind the scenes photos of our two days together.




All the news from our 10th anniversary event in London

On 14th November 2017, we marked over 10 years since the publication of the original Outcomes Star for homelessness with a free information and learning event in London, UK.

Over 100 people came together on a Tuesday morning, including new faces and people who have been instrumental to the success of the Star s0 far.  The purpose of the day was to share what Triangle have learnt from over a decade supporting frontline services to prove and improve outcomes, and to hear from people’s own learnings and experiences of the Outcomes Star – watch our short video of the morning in action:

First up, our directors, Sara and Joy, presented their thoughts and learnings, looking back to 2002 and the beginnings of the Outcomes Star, and looking ahead to what the future may hold for outcomes, impact and the Outcomes Star.  See the presentation from Joy and Sara, creators of the Outcomes Star and directors of Triangle, here.

To mark over 10 years of the Outcomes Star, we’ve pulled together some interesting facts and figures, showing the scale of Star use across the UK:

Later that morning, we heard from two representatives of organisations using the Outcomes Star in their day-to-day practice.  Claire Richardson, commissioner with the West Mercia Police and Crime Commissioner team, told us how they had worked closely with service providers to help them get the most out of the Star.  Mick Carroll, Head of Coaching at Restore, an Oxford-based mental health charity, took us through the 7 things, if you really want to implement the Star as badly and ineffectively as possible, that you absolutely must do!  You can hear both Claire and Mick, as well as Paul Richards, a Support Worker and Licensed Star Trainer from St Basils, a charity supporting young homeless people or young people at risk of homelessness in the West Midlands, tell us a bit more about their use of the Star in our short videos, here.

Lastly, before lunch, attendees were invited to join one of ten discussion tables, each focusing on different aspects of the Outcomes Star – from the Star Online web app, to action planning with the Star, sharing the Star with commissioners and specific Stars, such as the Tenancy Star and Young Person’s Star.  Feedback from the day was really positive about this format, so we’re hoping to run some more information sessions in this style in the New Year across the UK, and maybe even beyond!

Thank you to all that attended the event!  For more information about our 10 year anniversary, read our article here. If you are interested in attending an information event in the future, or have any questions about any aspect of the Outcomes Star, please contact Triangle.


New podcast featuring Joy, one of the creators of the Outcomes Star

ShareImpact is run by social entrepreneur Kat Luckock, to help others tell their social impact stories.

Kat makes a regular podcast featuring the women behind innovative businesses and organisations aiming to achieve a social mission.  Her most recent podcast features Joy MacKeith, co-founder and director of Triangle and one of the creators of the Outcomes Star.

Listen to the podcast here to find out more about the story behind the Star, the way Triangle works and the things Joy has learnt along the way.

Impact Management Programme funding available – sign up by 6 September

Triangle and the Outcomes Star are an approved Provider for the Growth Strand of the Impact Management Programme.  The programme is designed to improve how charities and social enterprises approach impact management, with the Growth strand specifically targeted at organisation who already measure some impact or outcomes data and who would like to grow and scale their impact.

Organisations can apply for funding to cover the cost of Outcomes Star training, licences and support as one part of their overall approach to impact management.

To apply for funding, organisations will need to attend a free training day, and must register for these by the 6 September 2017. More information on the Growth strand and training can be found here, with more information about the overall programme available at


Interested in collaborating with Triangle on Star research?

Triangle is looking for organisations to collaborate with on research into versions of the Outcomes Star.

We are particularly interested in carrying out psychometric analysis to evidence that the Stars are both valid and reliable measurement tools, but are open to designing the research with you and adding other research questions that are of particular interest to you.

This is an opportunity to be part of original research on the Star, contributing to the growing body of knowledge about the use of different versions of the Star and to debates surrounding outcomes measurement more generally. We will aim to write up and publish the research either as a Triangle document or in a peer reviewed journal.

In return for research collaboration, Triangle can produce a Key Findings Report for your organisation and provide an in-depth analysis of your Star data.  Linked to this, collaborators will have access to the new Scale Checker tools and support with Star implementation. 

If you are interested in collaborating with Triangle on a research project, please contact us for an initial discussion, or get in touch directly with our Research Co-ordinator, Emily Lamont –

Introducing Scale Checkers to support accurate Star data

The Outcomes Star Scale Checkers are tools developed by Triangle for organisations using the Outcomes Star, to evaluate how well members of staff understand the Journey of Change and scales for the Star they use.

They are designed to be completed by workers who use the Star, have Star licences and who have completed core Star training.  They are free to use for licensed Star users.

Assessing how well staff members understand the Journey of Change provides a key aspect of quality assurance for your Star data. Completing the Scale Checker can help keyworkers and managers to identify where further training is required, either for individuals, for particular outcome areas or for particular stages of the Journey of Change. 

The Scale Checker also allows Triangle to gather data to test the inter-rater reliability of each of the Stars. By testing the inter-rater reliability of the Stars Triangle is able to contribute to evidence showing that the Stars are reliable and valid outcomes measurement tools. 

The Scale Checker is easy and simple to use. It consists of a fictional profile of a service user relevant to a specific version of the Outcomes Star and staff members are asked to decide where the service user is on the Journey of Change for each outcome area. The answers given are then analysed by Triangle and a report is provided to the service manager. 

Currently we have Scale Checkers available for 4 versions of the Outcomes Star, with profiles in development and coming soon for all other versions:

  • “Don” for the Carers Star
  • “Pete” for the Drug & Alcohol Star
  • “Paula” for the Family Star Plus
  • “Tamsin” for the Youth Star

If you would like to use the Scale Checker in your service or have any questions, please contact us for more information.

The Outcomes Star: 10 years of innovation and learning for homelessness and housing

In 2006 the landscape in housing, health and social care looked a little different to today.  Measuring and managing outcomes was becoming a hot topic but the practice was patchy, confusing and not always with the service user in mind.  Working with St Mungo’s to develop an outcomes measuring tool that eventually became the Outcomes Star, it became clear that it provided valuable benefits over and above other measuring tools.   With support from the London Housing Foundation, we were able to unlock the ‘dual role’ of our unique methodology – a way to both support change and measure it.  A way of working that meets the demands for data and monitoring whilst enhancing (rather than compromising) the service user and keyworker experience.  A tool that understands the complexity of personal, sustainable individual change and provides a simple, engaging and consistent framework.

And over 10 years later, we can look back over our journey with the Outcomes Star and reflect on how popular that combination has proved to be.  Our work with the Mental Health Providers Forum began in 2008, translating the methodology we had established in the homelessness sector into the field of mental health, illness and recovery.   Since then we have responded to demand from many different sectors, and we now have over 30 different versions of the Outcomes Star, co-created with services and service users, with more in development as we speak.   Today the Star is used by thousands of organisations in the UK and across the world, with over 500,000 completed Stars for over 300,000 service users submitted on the Star Online web application for the Outcomes Star.

Our journey with the Star has been, and always will be, an ongoing action research project, learning what works and what doesn’t over time and using that learning to continuously improve and develop.  One key learning has been just how important it is to make sure the Outcomes Star is used well and as it is designed to be used.

We learnt fairly early on that although the Star looks like a simple and intuitive tool, being trained to understand the values behind it and how to use it properly is vital.  Without training, the Journey of Change, the User Guides and the detailed descriptions of the scales (the numbers on the Star) can too often be put to one side, and the method of completing Stars collaboratively with service users to get co-reported readings can be ignored. Unfortunately, using the Star in this way undermines the meaningfulness of the data, and the benefits for keywork and the service user.

To reduce the likelihood of the Star being co-opted into bad practice, we have moved away from our original approach of making the Stars available to download for free.  Since 2013 organisations have had to use the Star under licence and with training for all members of staff using the tool – our records show over 26,500 individual licensed and trained workers using the Star today.  The income from this approach allows us to invest in providing hands-on support to services to use the Star well, for example by integrating the Star into keywork relationships and processes and ensuring the empowerment of service users is at the heart of Star practice.

For example, one project our team are supporting to use the Star is Voices, licensed Star users and an innovative partnership supporting adults with complex needs in Stoke-on-Trent as part of the Fulfilling Lives programme.  For Voices and the people they work with, the Star’s focus on engagement, choices and actions is more useful than a tool that purely measure the severity of problems. Because the Journey of Change breaks down complex, personal change into small steps, it helps them to put the spotlight on the positive shifts and incremental progress that can often be overlooked.  Being able to identify and celebrate the small steps that really do make a difference in people’s complex lives is seen as a key benefit of the Star for Voices – helping to counter-act any reliance on unrealistic expectations which can have a detrimental, demotivating effect.

In addition to people using the Star well, we have also learnt how important it is that people understand how Stars are created, and the depth of knowledge, research, articulation, iteration and piloting that each Star goes through for at least a year before publication.   This is why we take a sector-wide approach – it allows us to make evidence-based, high quality, effective outcomes practice accessible to many, reducing the need for people to re-invent the wheel.  A sector-wide tool will not work for everyone, but for frontline services providing holistic keywork, using the Star can be an invaluable way to embed outcomes practice in everyday work and to improve outcomes for service users.

Because the Star is widely used across the sector, services like Voices can benefit from easier communication, with the Star helping people from different agencies and roles to be on the same page, as well as with the sharing of completed Stars reducing the likelihood of service users being asked to repeat their story all over again when accessing different services.  Although Voices have found that some practitioners may have had negative experiences of the Star as a pure performance management tool, investing in their training offer for the Star with internal Licensed Star Trainers has helped. It has equipped them with a deeper understanding of the theory and values behind the Star so that they can build this into their training and induction processes.

As we look ahead to the next 10 years and beyond, we want to make sure Triangle and the Outcomes Star continue to work alongside more services like Voices who support vulnerable people, and help them to survive and thrive in the challenging environments ahead, in the UK and across the world.  Continuing our action learning approach, in May we published the new Tenancy Star, developed in collaboration with Loretto Care and designed to apply all the learning from the Homelessness Star into a lighter-touch tool for housing associations in managing sustainable tenancies.  Through our social enterprise model, we plan to invest in the evidence underpinning the validity of the Star, in developing new tools for effective, outcomes-driven services and in becoming even more of a pro-active partner for organisations using the Star.

If you would like any further information about Triangle or the Outcomes Star, please visit our website, email us on or call us on +44(0)207 272 8765.

Thanks to Bruno Ornleas and Diane Rankin from Voices for their contribution to this article.  See for more information about they work they do.


Free Outcomes Star event

Triangle are running a free event for the housing and homelessness sector on 14th November in London – “The Outcomes Star for homelessness and housing: 10 years on”.  Register your interest and find out more here.