Guiding Stars: How the Outcomes Stars help build hope and self-esteem

Having recently returned from a long holiday, I am re-engaging freshly with Triangle’s work, creating Stars, training and supporting people to use them well and sharing our wider vision of an enabling service delivery system.

Returning after a solo hiking along the beautiful Cleveland Way, I had the chance to see our work with fresh eyes, and ask myself the question, “After 20 years of working on the Outcomes Star, why does it still matter to me so much?”

The answer that came when I asked myself that question was this: Working with the Outcomes Star gives people access to a developmental framing of their situation. The Star presents their situation as a time of challenge, not a sign of failure. The fact that they need help is an opportunity for them to draw on their existing strengths and develop new ones rather than being a sign of weakness. For people who are so often seen as a set of problems, having access to this hopeful, growthful narrative really matters. It is a simple reframing but it can make all the difference.

The Star reflects the person’s life back to them; they see they are a traveller moving forwards on their journey in life, rather than someone who has come to a dead end. The endpoints or the tips on the Star point to the way things could be, and in some cases they show what is already working well, giving people something to celebrate as well as offering things to work towards.

Stars have always been a navigational guide and a symbol of hope. Outcomes Stars are aptly named because they do just that – offer hope and guide us in the right direction. They don’t tell us exactly how to get there or exactly what it will look like when we arrive. That is something only the person completing the Star can discover for themselves. But they do shine the light forwards and give us the self-belief and self-confidence to keep moving forwards toward a better life.

We all need to see ourselves as heroes in our own journey – facing challenges and setbacks, but achieving and finding a way through as well.

As I reflect on my 20 years helping guide Triangle through the many challenges and triumphs of our work, I feel proud to be able to play a part in helping others move forward on their life’s journey. Refreshed by my holiday I am as hopeful and excited as ever at the potential of the Outcomes Stars to support and embed an enabling approach to service delivery.

Joy MacKeith, Founding Director

To find out more about Triangle’s vision for service delivery read “Enabling Help: How the social provision can work better for the people it services”. You can download the report or watch this video of Joy speaking about the key ideas in the report.


Family Star Plus – draft edition 2 now ready for feedback

Tell us what you think

A year ago, we launched our review of the Family Stars with a comprehensive call to all users to find out what they thought. We now have a draft new edition of the Family Star Plus out for consultation. We will finalise it in the autumn, apply the learning to the other Family Stars and publish new, improved editions in spring 2023.

Our commitment to the suite of Stars

As a social enterprise, Triangle invests part of the Star licence in keeping the suite of Stars under review and up to date. We stay abreast of changes in sectors and keep learning alongside our collaborators. After 20 years, almost 50 Stars and over 60 research studies, we’ve learnt a lot. And much has changed and continues to change. In reviewing the Family Stars, we set out to address some aspects of the language and better reflect the increasingly challenging external environment, with more families experiencing poverty.

Language changes in Edition 2

We wanted the new editions to be even more strengths-based, trauma-informed, conversational and accessible. We addressed specific wording issues that users of the Stars raised, such as replacing ‘effective parenting’ at the top of the scale with ‘self-reliance’, the point at which families no longer need the service to ensure their children can thrive. We have better worded the scales to avoid any suggestion of blame or triggers for people while keeping the essential clarity needed between stages.

Fit with the Supporting Families outcomes framework 2022-2025

The original Family Star dates back to 2010. We later published the Family Star Plus in response to the UK government’s Supporting Families initiative (originally ‘Troubled Families’) and mapped the Family Star to the Scottish government outcomes framework. We have already mapped Edition 2 to the new Supporting Families outcomes framework and added references to some Star scales to clarify the fit while staying relevant to the diverse and international users of this Star.

The new editions keep the same outcome areas and Journey of Change. They will replace the current editions in 2023 without any impact on your reporting or training – though it may be an excellent opportunity to consider refreshing how you use the Star to ensure you get the most from it.

We are inviting Family Star users to review the draft new edition and tell us what you think.

Please contact:

July newsletter roundup

Triangle’s July newsletter recently went out! In it, we celebrate the news of new Outcomes Star launches as well as an exciting new whitepaper report by our Strategic Director, Joy MacKeith.

‘Enabling Help: How social provision can work better for the people it supports’ is a new report written by one of Triangle’s co-founders. In it, Joy MacKeith shares how a new set of ideas can open up the potential in research, policymaking, commissioning and the way services are delivered and managed. The report is due for publication later this year, sign up to receive a copy.

Key news also included:

Read through the full newsletter here, and sign up to receive future newsletters and keep up to date with outcomes measurement and news of the Stars.


Contact Triangle at or +44(0) 20 7272 8765 for more information on any of our news, Stars and training offers.

January newsletter roundup

Triangle’s January newsletter is out! In it, we celebrate a milestone on our new Star Online system: we hit 100k completed Stars in first few months!

Other than that we had:

You can read the full newsletter here, and sign up for your very own copy delivered right to your inbox here.


Contact Triangle at or +44(0) 20 7272 8765 for more information on our Outcomes Stars, the new Star Online and our licence and training options.

September newsletter round up

Our September 2020 newsletter round-up includes news on the new and improved Star Online system, as well as new and upcoming Outcomes Stars. We also share some of our new resources, case studies and blog posts, including Tyrone’s inspirational story, from service user to practitioner.

Other updates include

  • We have recently published the Little Star, a new Star for use within the Children and Families and Health sectors. This Star was developed in collaboration with the Dame Vera Lynn Children’s Charity (DVLCC) and is designed for completion by Conductors or other therapists but can also support discussion with the children’s families. The Star is intended for use by organisations  such as DVLCC who support young children with motor impairments, for example from cerebral palsy, using Conductive Education and other therapies
  • Another new Star is the Change Star. A new Outcomes Star for behaviour change in men. The Change Star is suitable for  use within the Children, Families and the Domestic Abuse sectors.
  • Coming soon: Triangle is currently finalising a new Outcomes Star for use with refugees, the Integration Star, which has been developed in collaboration with the Refugee Council and a number of Community Refugee Organisations. The Integration Star complements the Planning Star which is designed for use with unaccompanied asylum-seeking children.

Read the full newsletter here.

Contact Triangle at or +44(0) 20 7272 8765 for more information on our Outcomes Stars, the new Star Online and our licence and training options. Sign up for our newsletter here.

Christmas newsletter round-up

Our December 2019 newsletter round-up included news on the new and improved Star Online system, as well as new and upcoming Outcomes Stars. Our directors have recently attended several conferences and share their thoughts and reflections on the events: Sara Burns shares her thoughts on Hospice UK’s annual conference while Joy MacKeith shares her reflections on the Mental Health Conference. We also included information on our new Stars.

Other updates included

  • The new Star Online system is now live for new clients, find out more about the system and watch a short video of it in action: the new Star Online
  • We have recently published the Pathway Star, a new Star for the employment sector: read our blog exploring how it can help vulnerable service users in overcoming challenges and taking steps towards the world of work.
  • We have recently published two more new Stars: the Planning Star which is a vital new tool for organisations working with unaccompanied asylum-seeking children and the Preparation Star, a new Outcomes Star to support individuals in living well right to the end.

Read the full newsletter here.

Contact Triangle at or +44(0) 20 7272 8765 for more information on our Outcomes Stars, the new Star Online and our licence and training options. Sign up for our newsletter here.

September newsletter round-up

Our September newsletter included updates on the Star Online system. We also introduced two new Outcomes Stars for mental health, the My Mind Star and the new and improved edition of the Recovery Star as well as updated research for the new edition of the Recovery Star™

Find out more

  • My Mind Star™ is an Outcomes Star for building and tracking well-being and resilience in young people and is for young people’s mental health and well-beining
  • The new and improved edition of the Recovery Star™: the Outcomes Star for mental health and well-being. This Star has been designed to support and measure progress towards recovery for adults experiencing mental health issues and contains changes to make the Star more appropriate, accessible and effective.
  • The updated Psychometric validation of the Recovery Star.

Read the full newsletter here.

Contact Triangle at or +44(0) 20 7272 8765 for more information on our Outcomes Stars or to find out more about how the Star can empower service users and keyworkers to make and measure positive change. Sign up for our newsletter here.

June newsletter round-up

Our June newsletter included news on our upcoming new Star Online system, news on our new Outcomes Star: the New Mum’s Star, as well as updates on our new resources, reports and a short blog on our social enterprise model.

New resources and reports

Some of the new resources which were highlighted in the newsletter included:

  • Welsh translations of our Family Stars (available for licenced Star users on request)
  • A new evaluation report created with Chiltern Music Therapy examining the benefits of the Music Therapy Star which specifically highlighted that 95% of people engaging in music therapy significantly made improvements in at least two outcome areas.

Read the full newsletter here.

Contact Triangle at or +44(0) 20 7272 8765 for more information on our Outcomes Stars or to find out more about how the Star can empower service users and keyworkers to make and measure positive change. Sign up for our newsletter here.

Spring newsletter round-up

Our March newsletter round-up includes updates on our licensing options, an introduction to our new Managing Director, and a call for interest and views on a Star for Neurodevelopment as well as updates on our new resources and reports.

New resources and reports

Triangle continues to publish new resources to support organisations in creating positive change by promoting an effective outcomes approach and providing sector-wide solutions:

Read the full newsletter here.


Contact Triangle at or +44(0) 20 7272 8765 for more information on our Outcomes Stars or to find out more about how the Star can empower service users and keyworkers to make and measure positive change. Sign up for our newsletter here.

Christmas newsletter round-up

This month’s newsletter round-up includes news on new reports; two new Outcomes Star case studies; new Star research and pyschometric findings; links to Family Nurse Partnership’s newly published blog post on the development of our upcoming New Mum Star and an interview with Clare Burrell, Head of Strategic Commissioning and Policy for Children and Families at Essex County Council on the Family Star (Relationships) the new Star for reducing inter-parental conflict.

New resources and reports

We have recently published a new set of psychometric factsheets as well as a short blog on the role of psychometric testing and why it matters. We also introduced new resources including:

Read the full newsletter here.