Young people and mental health: How to make the conversation count
Joy Mackeith reflects on young people’s mental health and how My Mind Star can open up conversations between schools, services and the young people they support.

We may not live in Hawkins, but young people face stranger things than you or I had to deal with!
Ahead of attending Oxfordshire Youth’s and Oxfordshire Mind’s Youth in Mind conference next month, Tom Currie, Outcomes Star’s Implementation Lead, reminisces and reflects on his adolescence and how it compares to that of today.

Year in review: Shining brightly in uncertain times
2019, Triangle and the Outcomes Stars year in review. Capturing some of our activities, projects, sucesses of our social enterprise.

Christmas newsletter round-up
Our December 2019 newsletter round-up included news on the new and improved Star Online system, as well as new and upcoming Outcomes Stars. Our directors have recently attended several conferences and share their thoughts and reflections on the events: Sara Burns shares her thoughts on Hospice UK’s annual conference while Joy MacKeith shares her reflections […]

Safeguarding Students: Two key questions
Sara Burns, co-creator of Triangle and the Outcomes Star, explains how she learnt more than she set out to at the Safeguarding Students conference in Manchester.

Reflections: Hospice UK’s annual conference
Sara Burns, co-founder and director of Triangle and one of the authors of the Outcomes Stars reflects on her attendance at Hospice UK’s annual conference in Liverpool. Hospice UK’s annual conference Dying for Change, Evolution and Revolution in Palliative Care was held in November 2019

Pathway Star points the way for person-centred employment services
Use the Pathway Star for “person-centered support” in employment services offering one-to-one help for people with complex needs to help individuals overcome their specific challenges. The Pathway Star is the Outcomes Star for people overcoming barriers to work and is designed for work with people facing significant barriers to work.

September newsletter round-up
Our September newsletter included updates on the Star Online system. We also introduced two new Outcomes Stars for mental health, the My Mind Star and the new and improved edition of the Recovery Star as well as updated research for the new edition of the Recovery Star™ Find out more My Mind Star™ is an […]

Think holistically: Act holistically
On the 26th September 2019, Triangle attended the Mental Health 2019 conference, the theme of which was Transition, Planning and Delivery. While at the conference, Triangle was proud to be part of the conversations around mental health and to pleased to showcase our new Fourth Edition of the Recovery Star as well as the new My Mind Star, both of which are designed for working with mental health and well-being. Joy MacKeith, one of Triangle’s Directors, attended with several other staff and shares her thoughts.

New Outcomes Stars for mental health
Introducing the new My Mind Star and a new, improved edition of the Recovery Star My Mind Star – a much needed and timely tool for early intervention with young people My Mind Star was developed in collaboration with managers, service users and professionals at leading UK children’s charity, Action for Children. It was also […]