Refugee Week: What is it, and how do the Outcomes Stars support this year’s theme of ‘healing’?
Every year millions of people are forced to leave their homes: Refugee Week is the week of peak annual festival of activity. Find out more about this years awareness event.

Family Star Plus – draft edition 2 now ready for feedback
Please tell us what you think! We now have a draft new edition of the Family Star Plus out for consultation from June 2022.

Coming home with the Home Star
Outcomes Star for homelessness gets a radical overhaul: the resulting Home Star is now published – and it’s a truly person-centred Star for homeless people.

New ‘How to’ guide explains how the Outcomes Star can turn Human Learning Systems principles into practice
The Star is one of the tools identified in the Centre for Public Impact’s recently launched guide: Human Learning Systems: A practical guide for the curious, commissioned by Healthcare Improvement Scotland and Iriss.

Human Learning Systems – A practical guide to doing public management differently
Human Learning Systems is a radically new way of doing public management: the task of resourcing and organising public service.

Launched: Home Star, the new Star for homelessness and other needs
Triangle is excited to launch the new Home Star after a significant two-year review process in collaboration with service providers and people using homelessness and housing services. Why we reviewed the Star Much has changed in the housing sector for both people and service providers since the Star’s last revision in 2017. The environment has […]

Ways to Wellness: The Well-being Star within social prescribing
Ways to Wellness recently published a report we contributed to, celebrating six years of their innovative and internationally recognised social prescribing service. The service supports people aged 40-74 years old with specific long-term conditions, many of whom have complex medical, practical and social needs. GPs refer patients to receive support from link workers for 18 […]

Making change visible: The Outcomes Star captures important achievements that could be missed by focusing on hard outcomes
As the creators of a suite of measures capturing distance travelled towards ‘hard outcomes’ we are sometimes asked whether there is evidence that Star readings correlate with or predict outcomes such as offending or employment. In some cases, we hear there is resistance to using the Star and instead commissioners, managers or funders are only […]

The Outcomes Star as a management information tool
The Outcomes Star is well established as a tool for supporting effective keywork and demonstrating achievements. Here, ‘Triangle’s Research Analyst, Dr Anna Good, discusses a third benefit, the opportunity for internal learning. This new briefing describes how Star data can be used to improve service delivery. Learning from Star data at all levels of the […]

Outcomes Star Licensed Trainers – Continual Professional Development programme (CPD)
Triangle has launched a new online annual CPD programme to support licensed trainers in 2022.