Integration Star proves a hit
After a successful pilot with the Refugee Council, the Integration Star for refugees is now available for widespread use, with an introductory webinar taking place this February. What’s more, the Star is a great fit with the Home Office’s integration framework, writes Triangle’s research analyst Dr Anna Good.

We’re looking for a Implementation Lead (Client Advisor)
Triangle is looking for a new Implementation Lead aka Client Advisor, to build relationships, deliver training and support our clients to use the Outcomes Star well.

2020 – Not remotely what we expected
Some news and round ups from 2020, like everyone else, Triangle has not had the year we planned. So what have we learnt from the unprecedented changes and challenges?

Demo webinars for January
New Demo webinar dates for our existing clients in January 2021, we will be running How to use Star Online (Practitioners Guide) and How to Use Reporting Dashboards on Star Online

Equality in Evaluation
Joy MacKeith reports on an inspiring workshop at NPC Ignites exploring how we can challenge power relationships and promote equity in evaluation.

The Refugee Council reaches for the Star
The Integration Star, a major new tool to help refugees settle successfully in the UK is to be made available from this week

We’re looking for a new Finance & HR Administrator
Triangle wants you, find out about our latest vacancy now.

The Missing Middle Way: How Management by Results can help us not just measure, but also improve outcomes
Management by Results, which supports ongoing learning and collaboration, is the missing middle way between ignoring outcomes on the one hand, and linking them to financial incentives on the other.