Download free previews of the Outcomes Stars™

To give you an idea of what the Stars look like and how they work, find your Star in the list below (in alphabetical order) and download the free previews to see if they are right for your service.

To stay up to date with new Stars as they are published, as well as support and events from Triangle, sign up for our mailing list.

Please note: the free previews are partial documents and do not contain everything you need to use the Star.  Free previews of the Star should not be used with service users and are provided for information only. 

Organisations wishing to use any version of the Outcomes Star must have Star training and licences for members of staff using the Star (with the exception of services using just the Homelessness Star on paper in the UK and Ireland.) If you have already received Star training but do not have copies of the full-length resources, please contact us.

If you have any problems accessing the files below, troubleshooting tips are given at the bottom of this page.


If you have any problems downloading or opening any of the PDF files, please follow these tips:

  • Try right clicking (or ctrl + click, if using a Mac) and saving the file to your computer or network, rather than simply clicking on the link. Once you have saved the file, navigate to the correct folder and open the file you have saved. If this does not work…
  • You may be using an old version of Adobe Acrobat Reader. You can ask your IT team about this or update your copy here: Or…
  • The file may be large and your IT team have set a limit preventing you from downloading large files. Please speak to your IT team for assistance.
  • If none of the above tips help you open the files, please contact