Reviewing and updating the Empowerment Star

We’ve been continuing with our review of the Empowerment Star and have had some fantastic opportunities to learn and add to the wealth of research that is being conducted by the team to update this Star. 

We were really excited to spend time with the Bath-based charity VOICES, a charity founded by women with lived experience, dedicated to providing recovery support and advocacy for people affected by domestic abuse.  

Our Product Lead, Harriet Wills, spoke with VOICES’ lived experience group and held in-depth discussions on the work so far to update the Empowerment Star. A huge thank you to all at VOICES for sharing their invaluable insights and experience.  

Our Research Analyst, Dr Anna Good, alongside Harriet, have also been conducting an Equality Impact Assessment to help ensure the review makes the Star as inclusive as possible. To feed into this and help our ongoing learning across the Triangle team were delighted to attend two incredibly informative training sessions with charities Galop and Safer Places 

Galop is an LGBT+ anti-abuse charity who work with and for LGBT+ victims and survivors of abuse and violence. We spent time learning more about the unique experiences of LGBT+ victims and survivors of abuse and the intersectional challenges they may face.  Safer Places delivers specialist support services to adults and children who have experienced domestic abuse and shared their knowledge of culturally diverse communities’ experiences of domestic abuse and the additional barriers they face to access support services.  

We’d like to say a huge thank you to Galop and Safer Places for delivering such impactful and engaging training.  

We were excited to share our progress with the Empowerment Star reference group and are now looking ahead to consolidating our research and finalising the Empowerment Star review. We will be launching the new and updated Star in the new year. 

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A brief update on the continuing review of the Empowerment Star.

We’re reviewing the Family Stars

Tell us what you think

The Family Star Plus is the most widely used of a growing constellation of Stars for children and families, including the original Family Star and the Family Star (Early Years). Since publishing them, Triangle has developed many more Stars, spanning diverse needs from cradle to grave. We got better at it and learned a lot. Much changed in the world, including the needs of families identified as at risk or presenting for support. It is now time to review these Stars.

What do you want us to change? What do you like and want us to keep?

Part of our role is to keep in touch with developments in the sectors served by the Stars, learning alongside the people who use them. We keep them under review, investing part of the Star licence in making tweaks or new editions. We create new resources to help people reap the benefits of using them well – engaging clients and getting reliable outcomes information. It’s a dynamic process that relies on you telling us what you think and us listening and responding.  

Now we want to hear about what is needed to be sensitive to changing client groups and needs in children and family services, or to be even more strengths-based, trauma informed, conversational and accessible, for example. We particularly want to hear from you if you have suggestions about any of the Family Stars:

  • Family Star Plus
  • Family Star
  • Family Star (Early Years)


The Family Star (Relationships) is more recent, so not part of this review, but check it out if you work with families where the main need is around conflict between parents. And do tell us if you use and have feedback on other Stars.

Tell us what you think about the Family Stars – what works and what to change.

Sara Burns leads on the development the Stars. Email with your feedback and suggestions or to arrange a call: