A series of CPD sessions free for Licensed Trainers to educate, inform, inspire, and connect us all.
Triangle’s training and implementation teams have been hard at work to create a new series of CPD training sessions for all of our Licensed Trainers across the world. Licensed Trainers (LT’s) are individuals within organisations who have been nominated and trained to effectively deliver training and support within their organisations. As part of the Licensed Trainer support, Triangle has, in the past, offered a series of Development Days which provide an opportunity for Licensed Trainers to gain additional support, training, update their skills and network across other organisations.
What are the CPD sessions?
These new CPD sessions have been developed as a result of the changing working environment and in response to requests from the Trainers to provide ongoing support and regular CPD in specific areas. Licensed Trainers must complete a total of 6 hours of CPD training across the year in order to maintain their LT status.
What do the sessions cover?
These sessions cover a range of subjects and draw on specialist knowledge and information across Triangle and beyond. Licensed Trainers are encouraged to book sessions in areas that are of interest to their work and organisations.
When are the CPD sessions?
The CPD sessions are scheduled across the year. More information below:
- Shockers and Blockers 30 April 2021
Sarah Brimelow helps us to identify strategies to improve participant engagement and how to handle the unexpected in the training environment. 10am-12pm
- The Outcomes Star and Trauma Informed Practice 24 May 2021
Nick Karr looks at how the Star is becoming more trauma informed and how this can be embedded into Outcomes Star training. 2.30-4.30pm
- Licensed Trainer Development Session 24 June 2021
Development session, including an update from Triangle Strategic Director, Joy MacKeith and workshops with the Training Team around trainer skills, the context of using the Star within your own setting and navigating the Licensed Trainer site. 10am-1pm
- Enabling Help 13 July 2021
What is this and how do we do it? Triangle Strategic Director, Joy MacKeith explains more. 2pm-4pm
- Navigating and using the Licensed Trainer site 5 August 2021
The Training Team will provide a walk-through of the site and demonstrate how to use it for training purposes. 10am- 12pm
- Licensed Trainer Development Session 23 September 2021
Including an update from Triangle Managing Director Graham Randles, and workshops with the Training Team around trainer skills, the context of using the Star within your own setting and navigating the Licensed Trainer site. 2pm- 5pm
- The Outcomes Star and the Care Act 12 October 2021
Implementation Lead Rox Faulks discusses how use of the Outcomes Star supports alignment with the requirements of the Care Act in relation to Wellbeing, Assessment and Outcomes planning. 2pm-3pm
- Licensed Trainer Development Session 16 November 2021
Including an update from a Triangle Director Sara Burns and workshops with the Training Team around trainer skills, the context of using the Star within your own setting and navigating the Licensed Trainer site. 10am-1pm
- Balancing the Learning 13 December 2021
Sarah Brimelow delivers a training skills session on applying Kolb’s learning cycle to Outcomes Star Training and enhancing training skills. 2pm-4pm
Licensed Trainers will be emailed details of the sessions and information on how to book their places. For more information, please email laura@outcomesstar.org.
Licensed Trainers are trained and licenced to run Outcomes Star training within an organisation. This ‘train the trainer’ route can be cost-effective for large organisations. For more information on how to become a Licensed Trainer and the benefits of joining the team please contact us.