Spectrum Star - updated version now available

The Spectrum Star is the Star for people on the autistic spectrum. Version 1.2, which was updated in 2024, is now available.

The Spectrum Star’s aim is to enable people to understand their autism so they can have a positive and fulfilling life. It was initially developed with staff and patents at accomplish, The National Autistic Society and the Bristol Autism Spectrum Service.

Edition 1.2 also had valued contributions from Rox Faulks, Triangle; Billy Alexander, Autism & Neurodiversity North Scotland (A-ND); and Wales National Neurodivergence Team.

How does the Spectrum Star work?

The Spectrum Star is a holistic, person-centred keywork and measurement tool for practitioners to use in one-to-one support work. Completing the Star is an engaging, empowering and collaborative process that helps you to build an open, trusting relationship with the person that you’re supporting.

The Star aims to create a safe space where genuine conversations can happen and you can explore all relevant aspects of a person’s life, track progress and create a shared basis for an action or support plan.

The Spectrum Star covers 9 outcomes areas where a person may need support now or in the future. These are: 

  1. Physical health 
  2. Living skills and self-care 
  3. Well-being and self-esteem 
  4. Sensory needs 
  5. Communicating 
  6. Social skills 
  7. Relationships 
  8. Being safe and responsible 
  9. Time and activities 

The Journey of Change is a framework for moving through the outcome areas. It breaks down change into small, achievable steps. 

The Journey of Change for this Star has five steps:

  • Grey – Stuck. At this stage you are stuck. Autism might feel like a major barrier to you leading a positive life 
  • Orange – Getting some help. At this stage of the journey, you are starting to get some help 
  • Yellow – Stable. At this stage your life is more stable 
  • Green – Learning for yourself. At this stage you are learning more about your autism and how it affects you 
  • Blue – Choice and self-reliance. At this stage you have the understanding and skills you need to make choices for yourself and to be as independent as possible 


      How does this work?

      The Journey of Change works with an outcome area like the ones outlined above to help collaborative discussions about what the person completing the Star is experiencing and how best to make changes at each stage. 

      For the outcome ‘Physical Health’ the Journey of Change would look like the visual below: 

      The full Star materials also include lots of extra details on what a person might be experiencing at each stage to help them decide where they are on their journey.

      What are the benefits of the Outcomes Stars?

      The Outcomes Stars give you an evidence-based measurement tool to support keyworking in a way that is person-centred, collaborative and trauma-informed.

      They work because they are underpinned with a sense of hope – that even when things are challenging, positive change in some way is always possible. Their detail and flexibility helps you to understand what’s likely to work for an individual while giving you more information to help you deliver effective services.

      It has changed the way our keyworkers operate and we are getting better results
      - Service provider

      Why are the Outcomes Stars so effective?

      • A clearer and more detailed picture of change. The Star measures not only end outcomes – for example gaining employment – but includes broader outcomes such as quality of life.
      • An integral part of keywork. The Star is completed collaboratively vs self-reporting or a professional-only tool.
      • Supporting action planning. The Star allows you to easily see information about the areas where support is needed and what that support should look like.
      • Support for effective service delivery. The Stars helps your organisation to deliver support in a holistic, strengths-based and person-centred way.
      • Tailored organisational support. Many measurement tools offer little to no support on how to use them. Using an Outcomes Star means you will get tailored support so you can understand whether the Star is a good fit, training so staff can use the Star effectively and access to the Star Online upgraded app.

      Want to discover more about the Spectrum Star or any other Star? Get in touch with our friendly team who will be happy to answer your questions.

      If you are based somewhere that is not listed above, please check out our International page to see what is available in your country.