The Home StarTM
The Outcomes Star for housing and other needs
The Outcomes Star for housing and other needs
The Home Star is the new version of our original outcome measurement tool to co-create and measure personal change – usually known as the Homelessness Star. Published in 2022.
It is part of a family of evidence-based, sector-wide and person-centred keywork and outcome measurement tools, available under licence with training. Video and webinar information about the Home Star below.
Combining key-work support and outcomes measurement in one tool
The Home Star helps organisations supporting people in homelessness and related sectors in two ways:
- It is a key-work tool that helps to structure holistic, enabling, person-centred and strengths-based conversations, in a trauma-informed way with service users experiencing housing and other needs
- It is a management information tool that provides valuable, real-time information on how each person is progressing. This information can be aggregated to give distance travelled outcomes measurement data at both project and organisation level.
Revised and redeveloped in response to feedback from keyworkers, managers and service users in a wide range of homelessness and other organisations
Introducing the Home Star
Triangle’s co-director Sara Burns introduces us to the Home Star. Sara takes us through the history of this Star, the ten outcome areas, and explains how the Home Star differs to Triangle’s original Outcomes Star version 3.1, also often known as the Homelessness Star. The Home Star: History & key essentials.
More blogs, videos and guides about the new Home Star coming soon.
The Home Star is a holistic tool which supports conversations and distance travelled measurement on:
- Where I am living
- Caring for myself & my space
- My money
- Friends and relationships
- My health
- My well-being
- How I spend my time
- Alcohol and drugs
- Safety and crime
- Trust and hope

Webinar: The NEW Home Star
On the 17 March 2022 we held a 1-hour webinar about the Home Star, for existing Homelessness Star clients. Sara Burns, co-author of the Home Star and co-founder of Triangle shared why we upgraded our first Star, how its changed and pointers to start using the new Home Star.
If you use the existing Homelessness Star and have any questions about starting to use the Home Star, get in touch with us at or contact your Regional co-ordinator or your Implementation Lead.
Triangle is grateful for the feedback, testing and suggestions from many keyworkers, managers and service users, including from:
Homeless Link, Crisis, MEAM, Brighton Women’s Centre, Two Saints, P3, C2C Social Action, Unique Outcomes, Salvation Army Victoria, Ruha, Psychologically Informed Environments (PIE).
If you have any questions about the Home Star please contact or call +44 (0) 20 7272 8765
The Home Star. Copyright: Triangle Consulting Social Enterprise Limited
Full resources are available for organisations with a Star Licence and training for all workers and managers using the Star.
Contact us for a quote or to ask a question.