The Integration Star and refugees – common questions and answers
Frequently asked questions about using the Integration Star and how it can be used to support services and service users Last October, Triangle launched the
The Integration Star is designed for use with refugees needing support to integrate into their new country and to build a new life there.
Frequently asked questions about using the Integration Star and how it can be used to support services and service users Last October, Triangle launched the
Dr Anna Good tells the story of how the new Star for refugees came into being.
The Planning Star can lead to better support for unaccompanied asylum-seeking children
After a successful pilot with the Refugee Council, the Integration Star for refugees is now available for widespread use, with an introductory webinar taking place this February. What’s more, the Star is a great fit with the Home Office’s integration framework, writes Triangle’s research analyst Dr Anna Good.
The Integration Star, a major new tool to help refugees settle successfully in the UK is to be made available from this week
Combining key-work support and outcomes measurement in one tool
The Integration Star helps refugee organisations and those they serve in two ways
Developed with front-line refugee organisations
The Integration Star was developed by Triangle during 2020 in collaboration with the Refugee Council and Community Refugee Organisations.
The framework and content were co-created in workshops with refugee support workers and managers and piloted by the following refugee services:
RETAS (Refugee Education Training Advice Service) Leeds, Leeds Refugee Forum, Path Yorkshire, Goodwin Development Trust, Humber Community Advice Services (H-CAS), Refugee Action Kingston, Iranian Association, Diversity Living Services, Bahar Women’s Association, Action for Community Development, West Yorkshire Somali Association, DAMASQ, Stepping Stone 4 and Leeds Swahili Community.
The development of the Integration Star was part funded by the European Union Asylum, Migration, and Integration Fund.
Based on the evidence base and psychometrically tested
The development process involved a full literature review of factors supporting integration as well as the testing of the psychometric properties of the pilot version. We are now actively researching the psychometric properties of the final version of the tool and will be publishing a factsheet for this Star. Contact us for more information.
Aligned with the UK government Indicators of Integration
At the time of development the Home Office was working on a framework to support their integration strategy. The Integration Star was specifically designed to align with their Indicators of Integration.
Triangle’s director, Sara Burns, introduces us to the Integration Star, taking us through how the Star came about with help from the Refugee Council, the eight areas that the Star covers, how integration is a complex and multi-facetted process, the key to the Integration Star’s success and how the Integration Star is different to the Planning Star.
Better conversations and better outcomes for refugees
An interactive and engaging webinar was held in February 2021. It explored the development of the Integration Star and the co-production involved, including former refugees, and demonstrated how it can be used collaboratively to help refugees integrate into their new country and build a new life there.
The Integration Star. Copyright: Triangle Consulting Social Enterprise Limited
Full resources are available for organisations with a Star Licence and training for all workers and managers using the Star. We are also actively researching into the psychometric properties of the Integration Star and Star data and intend on publishing a factsheet for this Star. Contact us for more information.