Music Therapy Star
The Outcomes Star for children accessing Music Therapy

Copyright: Triangle Consulting Social Enterprise Limited

The Music Therapy Star is the most sector-specific Star and has been designed specifically for children in Music Therapy contexts. It was developed with Music Therapists at Coram.

The Music Therapy Star covers five areas relating to outcomes delivered by music therapy:

  1. Relating
  2. Use of voice
  3. Attention and awareness
  4. Play and creativity
  5. Emotional well-being

The Music Therapy Star is underpinned by a variation of the core Outcomes Star Journey of Change:

  1. Not connecting
  2. Connecting
  3. Initiating
  4. Exploring
  5. Resilience

Full resources are available for organisations with a Star Licence and training for all workers and managers using the Star.

Music Therapy Star Training 

Triangle are delighted to be in partnership with Chiltern Music Therapy.

Chiltern Music Therapy are an award-winning not-for-profit organisation that provides music therapy services to people of all ages and many different needs.

Chiltern Music Therapy will now be delivering licensed training in the Music Therapy Outcomes Star for all UK registered Music Therapists.

For more information about their training please contact Chiltern:

A licence is required to use the Music Therapy Star which you purchase from us, for more information please contact