Recovery Star SecureTM
The Outcomes Star for adults in secure settings
The Recovery Star Secure is a variant of the Recovery Star, specifically designed for secure services. It was developed by Triangle with the Mental Health Providers Forum and piloted by five secure services before being published.
The Recovery Star Secure covers nine key areas:
- Managing mental health
- Dealing with strong feelings
- Addictive behaviour
- Risk to others
- Physical health
- Social skills
- Relationships
- Meaningful activities
- Trust and hope
The Journey of Change for this Star is largely the same as the core Outcomes Star Journey of Change but with the end point of self-management, where someone is ready to move to a less secure environment:
- Stuck
- Accepting help
- Believing
- Learning
- Self-management
Recovery Star Secure. Copyright: Triangle Consulting Social Enterprise Limited
Full resources are available for organisations with a Star Licence and training for all workers and managers using the Star.